1. getting started
due Tue Jan 30
- Two warm-up "back of the envelope" estimation problems. Be explicit about your assumptions and sources (if any).
- How big an asteroid can you jump off of?
- Is there more energy in the earth's atmosphere or oceans?
- Read chapter 14 on Oscillations and be prepared to discuss.
- Be ready to discuss conceptual questions: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
- Do 14.30, 14.35, 14.40, 14.49, 14.77, 14.80 .
2. Fluids
due Tue Feb 6
- Read chapter 15, on fluids.
- Do conceptual questions 15 : 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
- Work problems 15: 33, 40, 50, 53, 60, 63
3. Macroscopic Matter
due Tue Feb 13
- Read chapter 16 - macroscopic matter
- objectives:
- atomic-level models of solids, liquids, gases
- recognize and use thermo state variables
- understand phase change and phase diagrams
- understand and use the ideal gas law
- understand and practice pV (pressure volume) diagrams
- In class : problems 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 18, 26, 29, 50, 57
- Hand in : problems 34, 35, 45, 58, 64, 72
4. Work, Heat, 1st Law
due Tue Feb 20
- Read chapter 17 - Work, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermo
- Watch The Ring of Truth #2 : change
- Do conceptual questions 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12
- Do problems 38, 48, 59, 62, 79, 82. (Sara says about 79: "There are multiple steps and lots of thinking to do.")
5. the Micro / Macro Connection
due Wed Feb 28
- Read chapter 18.
- Do conceptual questions 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Do problems 18.39, 45, 46, 51, 54, 60, 65
6. test 1
due Wed Mar 7
- A test on the material in chapters 14, 15, 16, 17.
- A do-it-in-the-science building exam : you may prepare one page of your own notes, but may not use the textbook, internet, or other sources. The test will be available in my office on Monday - come take it Mon, Tues, or Wed.
7. Heat Engines and Referigerators
due Tue Apr 3
- Read chapter 19.
- Also look at this material (Carnot Cycle, entropy, heat engine) in some other sources listed on the resources page, the OpenStax textbook and/or the Feynman Lectures.
- Do conceptual questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
- Do problems 35, 42, 46, 48, 59 70, 71, 72.
- We're spending the week before and the week after spring break on this material - this is the culmination of our thermo work.
8. Traveling Waves
due Tue Apr 10
- Read chapter 20
- Do conceptual questions 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12 .
- Do problems 20.40, 20.44, 20.58, 20.59, 20.68, 20.73, 20.78 .
9. Superposition
due Tue Apr 17
- Read chapter 21
- Do conceptual questions 1,3,4,5,7
- Do problems 21.5, 21.6, 21.39, 21.44, 21.50, 21.55, 21.63, 21.67, 21.75
10. test 2
due Wed Apr 18
- same rules as the first test
- on chapters 18, 19, 20
11. Wave optics
due Tue Apr 24
- Read chapter 22
- Do conceptual questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
- Do problems 22.37, 22.41, 22.45, 22.58, 22.61, 22.67, 22.75
12. Ray optics
due Tue May 1
- Read chapter 23
- Optional : browse chapter 24 (telescopes & microscopes)
- Do conceptual questions 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Do problems 23.39, 23.45, 23.48, 23.53, 23.62, 23.79
13. test 3
due Fri May 4
14. term grade
due Wed May 9
- a place for Jim's semester feedback