Feb 12
Fourth (and final for now) episode of "share some html, css, or js stuff" :
front end projects , due one Tue Feb 26 :
- design and build a front-end-only site (i.e. html, css, js; no back end dynamic generation) that has user interaction
- some ideas include
- a game
- a calculator
- a graphics-drawing thing
- put some effort into the layout and "look"
- work with someone else in a group
- besides the source files, create a short write-up describing your process, choices, and who did what.
- ... enough for someone else in the class to recreate your work.
- include a bibliography
Teams :
after that
probably do the back end stuff next :
possible back end topics
- web servers : apache, nginx
- dynamic content: php, rails, flask, ...
- forms , ajax, and frontend / backend communication ...
- sessions, authentication, and cookies
- data persistence : files , process memory , databases
related :
- REST paradigm
- model/view/controller paradigm
other possible topics - probably later in the term :
- SPA = single page application : react, backbone, ember, angular, ...
- practicalities of deploying (name servers, hosting, ...)
- design (usability, accessibility, branding, ...)
- databases : SQL and all that
- networks & protocols (TCP/IP, Ethernet, ARP cache, email, DNS, routers, ...)
- ads, search, and the economy of the internet