
Spring 2019


Put your course syllabus here. For example:


title       Introduction to Programming (in Python)
term        Fall 2018
credits     4
time        Tues/Thu 10-11:30am
level       Introductory
faculty     Jim Mahoney
repeat      no, cannot be repeated for credit
prereq      none


Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John Zelle, 3rd edition, ISBN 1590282752


This is a first class in computer programming, and as such a foundation class for further work in computer science. Much as a competency with English grammar is required for writing, an understanding of programming is required to for nearly all intermediate and advanced work in computer science.

A similar course is offered every Fall, though the language chosen varies from year to year. Python is a modern, elegant, high level scripting language, used for scientific programming, web servers, and all sorts of other things. It's been one of the most popular programming languages at Marlboro.

Topics will include program design, boolean logic, debugging, input/output, object oriented programming, as well as a variety of basic computer skills. Expect weekly practice problems (for a single term grade based on how many are turned in), a small midterm project, and a final project.

We'll be following the text pretty closely, so check it out for more details.


(Subject to change.)

month      chapter
-----      -----
Sep        0   - preliminaries
           1   - computers
           2   - writing programs
           3   - numbers
Oct        4   - strings
           5   - objects / graphics
           6   - functions
           7   - decisions
           8   - loops
Nov        9   - program design
          10   - classes
          11   - collections
          12   - object-oriented design
Dec       13   - algorithms / recursion
               - final projects /cours /spring2019 /matts_tutorials /syllabus
last modified Thu March 13 2025 11:15 pm