Physics I

Spring 2020

April 14

Questions about momentum ?

The rest of the term:

We have three full weeks counting this one, then a last Tues May 5 class. My plan is to spend two weeks on rotations - expanding the material in the texts chap 12 with some outside readings - and then one week on gravity and planetary motion, chap 13.

If you want a grade for the class, then you should start thinking about doing a second review paper, with a worked exemplar problem for the second half of the term, chapters 9 (energy), 10 (more energy), 11 (momentum), 12 (rotation), and 13 (gravity). That will be due Fri May 9.

If you're doing the class pass/fail, just continue on with the weekly assignments.

TLDR - rest of semester schedule

this week of Apr 14 : chapter 12, rotations
next week of Apr 21 : more rotations, 3D & static equlibrium
following    Apr 28 : motion of the planets
last class   May 5  : review and/or something fun


I've posted a starting point with some notes with some of the essential definitions and formulas, and we'll start there and with the chap 12 slides


our text :

openstax University Physics Volume 1

Kleppner & Kolenkow :

Feynman lectures : chap 18, 19, 20 :

wikipedia :

nitpicky notes (for after you've looked at definitions and readings) /cours /spring2020 /mechanics /notes /apr14
last modified Wed July 3 2024 6:24 am

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT cross_product.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 06:24 am 486K
TXT jims_rotation_notes.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 06:24 am 449K
TXT problem_11_51.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 06:24 am 332K
TXT right_hand_rule.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 06:24 am 174K
TXT rotation_formula_summary.pdf Wed Jul 03 2024 06:24 am 449K